
Chill·玩(去玩)”是由一个热爱旅行和音乐的年轻人Finbarr Hua所创,希望借由这个平台为大家介绍小众的、文艺的,但又非常值得的景点、酒店、餐厅、好听的音乐,值得推荐的电影、好看的壁纸、有深度的文章、搞笑的内容、或是好玩的游戏,都会积极推荐给大家。
Bill Fay Bill Fay
Be Not So Fearful - Bill Fay


【英伦民谣】Be Not So Fearful - Bill Fay

美剧《行尸走肉》第四季第15集片尾音乐,选用了英国老牌创作歌手Bill Fay的《Be Not So Fearful》。

Bill Fay是一位非常神秘和低产的民谣歌手。他在70年代并没有什么名气,在Donovan的经纪人Peter Eden的帮助下出了一些单曲和专辑,反响平平。出人意料的是,Bill Fay低调潜伏近40年之后,于2010年推出了一张精选作品《Still Some Light》,引起了乐界轰动,评家推崇备至。

《Be Not So Fearful》

Be not so nervous
Be not so frail
Someone watches you
You won't fail

Be not so nervous
Be not so frail
Be not so nervous
Be not so frail

Be not so sorry
For what you have done
You must forget them now
It's done

And when you wake up
You will find that you can run
Be not so sorry
For what you have done

Be not so fearful
Be not so pale
Someone watches you
You won't leave the rails

Be not so fearful
Be not so pale
Be not so fearful
Be not so pale

You must forget them now
It's done

And when you wake up
You will find that you can run
Be not so sorry
For what you have done

Be not so sorry
For what you have done

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